I love my social work background, don't get me wrong. However, a Masters in Social Work is geared mostly towards counseling. This is not me. I like developing new projects, creating social change, minimizing duplications and finding innovative ways to save money while making a "big bang". My strengths, thanks to Strengthfinders 2.0, are Futuristic, Strategic, Achiever, Communicator and Learner. All of these support this type of career I describe. The problem is what exactly is that career? In other words, finding a Masters program and wondering where to go from here has been challenging.
I love politics and policy, I won't deny that. I enjoy public relations and researching best practices. I like to work with a couple different populations. I believe in helping those in need and really would like to work on prevention efforts towards ending systemic poverty. I also love working with the elderly population and advocating for health care, ending elderly abuse and providing improved services. I would avoid youth services though as that is really not my thing.
Maybe I'm overanalyzing. My mom tells me I do that sometimes... :~) I know it's true. I am also inpatient at times which is probably why I find this frustrating. I just want to know where life will lead me. Wherever that may be, I am trying to enjoy the ride. However, after 14 years of struggling year after year, about half of my life so far, I am definately ready for some stability.
I guess I should pull out my magic eightball. I was told it has all the answers. Although I shook it and I'm not sure what the hell this means. ;~)