Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Inspiration in Effect

As there is no better way to describe the situation, I am inspired.  I have an older sister named Becky who has had a blog named "Totally Serial" and I have kept up on reading it.  Each time I read her blog it brings a grin accompanied by a giggle quite often.  Well, if she can keep a smile on my face, I would love to return that to others through a paragraph here and there.  Therefore, my first post has been dedicated to my older sister; my inspiration.  I cannot promise you that you might not get bored, but in an attempt to keep the entertainment flowing, here is a little shpeel about my older sister.

I have always admired my older sister.  She is one of those really sensitive people who always puts others feelings and thoughts in front of her own.  I try, sometimes without success, as my selfishness creeps up on me occasionally.  Yet for Becky, this seems to be very natural, and it makes me insanely jealous at times.

Becky was involved in the arts in high school and was innately one of the top of her class.  Her ability to not only succeed, but to luminously achieve and conquer is yet another example of why she is an inspiration to me.  Her and her husband have been blessed with a charming and cheery young lad this year. (I've decided his personality  is due to his Aunt's exceptional disposition  ;~)  and they both have your typical white collar jobs and are able to vacation and spend time as a family.  As my household is much more chaotic with wild heathens prancing around, unconvetional farm hours, working awkward roster positions and smudged with school traveling and homework, I find myself daydreaming about what a "normal" life would be like.  Yet, my sister is proud of me, my accomplishments, my breakdowns, and my chaotic  life.  This is yet another reason why she inspires me.  So, if I drank wine this is where I would say, "Cheers to you Becky", we would tap glasses and sip in the most daintilly manner.  However, I drink beer, I am not dainty, and I don't tap glasses.  "Your one hell of a woman" is much more up my alley. 

1 comment:

  1. The comment I posted yesterday was that you made me cry, so thanks a lot. Also that I am so glad you are blogging. I love you, sister!
