Thursday, December 30, 2010

Gasly Amusing

Gas is a natural part of life, and when you live in a house with 4-6 people, depending on children's schedules, there is gas.  Usually the boys, as 4 of the 6 of us are male, have the ability to make others smirk, giggle, send death glares, make disgusted noises, cover your nose, or turn green from their ability to pass gas.  However, last week,  after a night of drinking a few Old Milwaukee's, I was the champ.  (For most this is embarrassing, but hey, gas is a part of life, and we all do it :~) 

I have a very dear 5 year old boy named Brady who is effortlessly comical.  Of course when you have children you have late night visits to the ER at some point or another, I was lucky enough to experience one last night.  Brady woke up at 1:15 am with a severe ear ache and tears streaming down his face.  After some sleep deprived thought processing, off we went on the skating rink conditioned roads!  After 45 minutes of driving Brady fell asleep, (for those of you who don't have children, this always happens) so by the time we arrived he was not crying and was too tired to complain much.  So we went through the motions of the ER routine, he did have some fluid behind his ear and so the doc made the prescription out and left.  Shortly after his exit, Brady looked at me with the most serious of face and said, "Mom, why didn't you tell him you had bad farts?!?"   Me (trying to hold back uncontrollable laughter) :  "Brady, you don't need to tell doctors if you have bad farts."  Brady:  "Yes you do mom, they smelled dead."  

Needless to say, children say the darnedest things.  And I think I will refrain from drinking Old Mill for awhile... 


  1. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That is awesome. I love Brady; he can always make me laugh. I think that as you keep track of these stories on your blog you will be really thankful one day to be able to go back and read them, when the kids are older.

  2. That kid can always find humor in everything. The poor boy is sick in the middle of the night and still make his momma laugh, that's priceless!
