My last post, even though very heartfelt at the moment, was pretty pitiful. Moving on!
My geeky side comes out occasionally, well, if you asked my husband it would be quite often actually. I love to research complex theories, I always try to figure out human behavior as I find it fascinating (including my own), I obsess over getting a 4.0, and I over analyze concepts and strategies. I've learned to embrace and appreciate my geekiness though. I have become skilled at setting goals, creating strategies of implementation and accomplishing them. When I am feeling down and out, I strategize. Well, first I cry, then I strategize. Hence the change from the "I feel like a dissapointment" to the "I am ready to save the world!" attitude. The hole in my invisible superwoman cape; it's now stitched and like new!
So, what does my strategy look like? I'll share. This helps me to stay accountable too.
a) my family
b) finishing my Master's
c) my volunteer work
d) a job
e) be healthy
Normally work would come before b & c, but there is a reason for the madness. In reality, I find my volunteer work very rewarding. It's part of living my mission, to make communities and individuals better, so for me it's something I won't give up. I will give up time at work first. My Master's is also a life long dream and will get me farther down the line. I've invested too much to look back now.
Strategy # 2. Plan of action. What do I need to do to find balance so I can focus on my family as that's the first priority, finish my Master's, still volunteer, and still work?
a) New job accepted: less hours with similar salary = still providing for my family,but with more time to spend with family, to complete homework and still volunteer.
b) Step back and recoup- I volunteer a lot. I'm the VP of a non-profit board where we are working intensely on planning, I am a Girl Scout Leader for my daughters troop, I have been the lead fundraiser for my son's Robotics team to attend the World Championship, and the list goes on to seasonal events as well. I need to take a little time to recoup, restructure, and then can return with some renewed energy. When I'm not good, my work is not good and therefore is not helpful. I want to be helpful.
c) Finish my Master's: there is no time to slack now. I have invested time and money, and I need to finish. One year left until freedom! I need to be able to stay focused.
d) Organize: one of the biggest reasons for failure is the lack of organization, which can have a domino effect. Meal planning, time regulation, and my calendar are important to keep up.
e) In order to accomplish goals, it's important to feel well both physically and mentally. I started a healthy eating regimen last week and have done amazingly well. At my new job my office is right by the fitness room, and I am going to join a relative for Zumba at least once per week. I will feel human again!
f) Maintain progress: By checking in with my family and myself monthly I can make sure I am living up to my plan. They help keep me in line.
a) maintain standards of a sober household. Since my husband quit drinking, there is a definite positive change. I need to hold him accountable to uphold that and be strong enough to enforce it.
b) Be grateful and remind myself daily of what I am grateful for. Pray, give thanks and celebrate! Life can be taken for granted easily. I don't want to take anything for granted, and it's easy to do. I will make myself a sign to put on my dresser that reminds me to say something each day that I am grateful for.
c) Relax. I usually am so busy that I don't take much time for myself, I need to do that more often. I will plan one evening per month to get together with a friend or family to bake, cook, play cards or something. Also, at least once a week we will have a game night with the kids. I will put up a sheet on the fridge to mark who chose the game, what it was, whose turn is next and this will serve as a reminder to make sure I take the time to do it.
Strategy #4. There is no strategy # 4. But it's open in case I need one.
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