Monday, January 3, 2011

Novel Ideas

Something I learned this year in college is that according to organizational Theory Y, people inherently want to work.  People possess creative abilities which are many times left untapped due to the hierarchical society that we live in.  I've thought about this idea many times as I have worked as the low man on the totem pole for years, and believe that there are many untapped resources available in staff who don't have a title or a degree. 

So, in my efforts to change society, one project at a time of course, I have been engaging in discussion with my 11 year old son who is a history buff, about a project that I am hopefully going to get the opportunity to attack.  Thanks to my Aunt Marcia, an intelligent and delightful woman, I may be able to help out the local ITOW Museum.   The museum holds a unique opportunity as when you meander through it you are able to hear testimony of the impact that performing in the service has had on each individual.  The personal interviews are captivating and moving.   If any of you are in Perham, MN, it is a must see. 

What does this have to do with organization theory you are probably thinking.  Well, children have some of the most novel ideas.  I decided that in order to put forth my best effort that I needed help.  Utilizing the mind of my 11 year old son seemed to be the most appropriate way to generate ideas.  (and for me to feel that I am changing society :~)   

The outcome was fantastic!  Even though I can't share my secrets, I couldn't be more impressed with my son.  His diligence to really help his mother, and the museum, was amazing.   Children are such an asset and an unutilized resource when we really think about it.  Tapping their brain is like opening a treasure chest; you never know what is inside. 


  1. That is awesome, and I am so glad that he is going to be able to help you out (or has already, I can't tell)! You are right; kids have TERRIFIC imaginations, and if you can tap into that and pick out the feasible things they can be a great help.

    Also, next time we come to visit you I want to go to the museum! What does ITOW stand for, again?

  2. Thanks, I thought it was exciting! ITOW is "In Their Own Words" I bet I could twist Aunt Marcia's arm and we could all go, it is really a neat experience!
