However, I ponder about her future. What will it be? Brings me back to when I was a child... "Ka Sera Sera , Whatever will be will be, the future is ours to see, Ka Sera Sera" My mother sang this to me and my sisters often. I will never forget this.
Which brings me to my sister, Kim. I am so proud of her. She took a gigantic step towards a strange and new world, with a vision of a career in mind. I think about her often... If I could see her now I would tell her how much I love her, tell her how proud of her I am, and how much I admire her for being able to create her own destiny. If you read this Kim, know how much I love you! But always remember that you set out to find your path, and even if it may change from your original idea of what was to be, remember that you are opening doors to a new and fabulous world. Enjoy every minute, appreciate the positive gains that you have made, and know that we all support you. You will find your way.
Well, I am going to check on my husband in the barn. Kinda feeling mushy right now and miss him...
Nice update, glad everythig worked out. I find myself rather impatient at times wiht the "drama" some people create. I am glad there are people like you that have the strength,desire and committment to be so giving and helpful. I admire that.