Saturday, March 5, 2011

With Gains Come Frustration

Why is the world so frustrating at times?  Maybe God sits back with a bowl of popcorn at times and says to St. Peter, "Hey, check this out.  She is going to get so pissed!" and they laugh histerically.  It must be true...  Today I went to a baby shower for the young lady who has been staying with my husband and I.  I wasn't sure who would be there, what to expect, or how things would go.  To my suprise I walk in to a room full of at least 20 people.  Aunts, cousins, grandparents, friends of the family, and a few of her friends.  In all honesty, I was exstatic for the girl to have so much support, and on the same hand I was disgusted.  Why on earth, if all these people are family and friends that care, do I have a homeless pregnant senior staying on my couch???  I quickly passed aside any judgement, joined in the festivities and began the endless chit chat that accompanies these types of activities.  End of the story:  the young woman had a fabulous shower, lot's of gifts, and is moving back into her mother's home.  Even though the goal was to find more permanent housing which we have done, I was still frustrated.  Oh well, I'm over it.  I guess... I think I just need to take some advice from wise old Maxine.    My children tell me they are starving so I better get off the computer and do something about it.  Now to decide what to make...  ugh... why don't I have that menu planned that is on my list of goals?  It would make life so much easier!

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