Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Strengthfinder 2.0 - a must have!

Strengthfinder 2.0 was a requirement of a class I took last semester and has become a favorite within my family.  It is a must buy as I know I love it!  ;~)  My strenths all tie into one another perfectly and I couldn't describe myself better.  Within my future career, they all fit perfectly as well which I believe will make me that much stronger. 

My top strength is futuristic.  A quote that sums it up for me, "...a better product, a better team, a better life, or a better world- it will always be inspirational to you."  Dreaming, visioning and creating hope... 

Number 2 is strategic.  The jist of it is that I am able to sort through options and ask "What if __?" and create alternative options, sort through them and make the best decisions to lead me down my pathway of life.  I definately can see this in my life as I really like strategic planning in the career world, and I feel that I have done this throughout my adult life in order to create my own path. 

Achiever is my third strength in which I struggle with the most.  A quote, "After each accomplishment is reached, the fire dwindles for a moment, but very soon it rekindles itself, forcing you toward the next accomplishment."  This is me!  I struggle with this because I wish that I was more content at times and didn't have such big expectations, however, I know that if I am not working towards a goal I'm not happy.  A blessing and a curse...  but I'll take it. 

"You like to explain, to describe, to host, to speak in public, and to write."  This sums up communication which is my fourth strength.  I love events, public education and awareness, poetry, writing songs, and talking in general.  I am a phone person as well, my whole family can tell you this.  I don't really text much, I would rather have a voice on the other end of the phone.  It makes sense to me. 

Being a learner is my fifth and final strength.  The first sentence is, "You love to learn."  Which I absolutely do.  I find that learning and being able to put the knowledge into practice is exciting for me.  Research, when it's something I am interested in, is fascinating and I find that I want to keep reading.  However, what I find interesting is that I'm not into books really, mostly research.  Why is that?  

All in all, I have to say that taking the assessment, reading and understanding these strengths has changed how I look at things.  I am much more aware of my strengths and have been able to utilize them more within my field of work, which really includes the dairy farm.  However, I look forward to graduation when I begin my internship so I can put them to more use.  Overall, this is the best $11 I've spent in a long time and I encourage anyone who hasn't taken it to do so!   

1 comment:

  1. Futuristic, Achiever, Learner, are my #2,3 and 4 strengths.

    You will work towards continued achievments your entire life. It is fate, accept it. I don't think you can change your strengths, it is like genetics. It's just there.
