Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cowboys and Butterflies

Cowboys and butterflies invaded the barn last night during chores, which also happened to be DHIA testing which means another body in the small parlor and skittish cows.  Taylor created a beautiful play and she was a dancing butterfly who bobbed her head up and down like a bobblehead, flapped her arms crazily and wobbled her legs back and forth like a duck with a giant grin on her face.  Adorable right!  Then, the cowboys invaded and Brady came charging through the milkhouse in his cowboy boots with his pants riding at the top of them since he hasn't learned to pull his jeans over them yet, yelling "Bam Bam Bam Bam!!!   That butterfly is dead."  With a flourescent green pistol from the dollar store he looked pretty scary.   Then the cowboy attacked the butterfly with all his might, they both tumbled to the floor laughing, lifted their legs in the air as they laid on their backs and said, "Look at my butt mom!"   
This is the end of the Cowboy and the Butterfly


  1. HAHAHA. Your kids are so beautiful and so funny. I love them and miss them. And you.

  2. I can just see them! So entertaining. Thank you for the visualization.
