Wednesday, February 2, 2011

MS, Milk, Scheduling and Special Moments

What a week!  Some good, some bad, some ugly....  Learned yesterday that a family member was diagnosed with progressive MS.  All I could think is, "That can't be, she's not very old, what about her and her family, they have kids, no family is close by to help, what will they do?!?"  I worry about Eric too, he had a very difficult day with this.  I just thank God for all that he has given me and ask for prayers for this family. 

Yesterday Eric treated a cow with penicillin in the morning for mastitis.  When you treat a cow you must milk her in a separate bucket and dump the milk for 36 hours and then have it tested before putting it in the bulk tank.  With everything on Eric's mind yesterday he milked a treated cow in the tank.  Ooops...  This equaled a 8:30 pm trip to Perham for a milk test which was positive.  Bad deal.   Came home and ran 2700 lbs. of milk out into the drain, this picture is pretty accurate to what that looks like.  Good news = Bongards will reimburse us for half of the milk dumped.  Bad news is we still lost money and didn't get done with chores till 10:30.  Life could be much worse, and this gave me an opportunity to tease my husband somewhat so I guess it's all okay. 

This morning I was supposed to have coffee with someone in DL.  I completely forgot about the whole ordeal.  After getting a text I called to appologize as I felt absolutely horrible.  Funny thing is that I wanted to have coffee to get to know her better, maybe make a better friend, communicate a little more etc.  and what I heard on the phone was anything but helpful.  I think instead of improving a relationship I just made it worse.  Appologizing profusely didn't seem to help one bit, so I guess I just need to let it go.  It just sucks because I hate it when people are upset with me.  Harmony, right?!? 

Overall though, life is good.  I can wake up in the morning next to my husband, tell my kids I love them, and we are all healthy and happy.  Eric and I sat in the driveway in our NEW old truck we bought for 3 hours talking after the kids were in bed the other evening.  It was fantastic!  We talked about the first time we met, how we fell in love, how wonderful our children are, our dreams for them, how we want to be better people, what our future has in store and much more.  One of those moments that even as unspecial as sitting in a running vehicle is, it was special that night and I will never forget it.  I suppose, I better get back to the homework now, I've procrastinated long enough! ;~)

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