Friday, February 4, 2011

Questions in the morning....

Every morning life consists of Taylor not wanting to get up for school and Brady asking if he can have ice cream or oreos.  Each day I assist in the "waking of the child" routine hoping that she's getting up on the right side of the bed.  Not fun when she isn't...  However, this morning my alarm hadn't even gone off and she was up, dressed and ready to go!  So now I sit and wonder, "What was so different about this morning and how do we do this every day?"   If you know the answer, let me know... 

I then proceed to explain to Brady for the 80 millionth time that we don't eat treats for breakfast which leads to the next routine question, "Well after I eat supper this morning then can I have ice cream?"   At least he's persistant...  

I could use some advice though.  For all those parents out there who had, or have, a child that always has to be the best or better at everything which has made them almost a bully to other kids, how have you handled it?  Brady is very competitive and he thinks he has to be the best, have the most, be the first etc. in school and I have tried talking to him about this and playing some non-competetive games.  Doesn't seem to be helping much...  Teachers offered behavioral health as an option, but I am hoping we can deal with this and don't have to go that route.  So, for anyone that has any suggestions, I am all ears.  In the meantime I better go make some supper this morning.  

1 comment:

  1. Taylor...what did she have planned at school with her friend(s) to make her leap out of bed? Oh dear. Brady sounds creative. Maybe he would make a good attorney.

    About competitiveness/bullying? I don't know the answer, except teach kids "empathy". Not easy, but maybe through stories/scenarios where they provide an answer to "what should the kid do in this situation".
