Throughout elementary and high school I always enjoyed classes and learning. But yesterday after a class, I truly felt it in my bones. It's official, you can call me a nerd. It was my first day back to classes for my social work major yesterday. The class is qualitative research seminar method. I've found that I really enjoy reading research on anything, particularly when it matters to me. Funny how that is... Anyway, we went through the syllabus which includes 4 papers which lead into each other. The end result is a qualitative research paper; go figure given the name of the class. In orer to complete the paper we need to come up with three questions that intrigue us which begins the research process. By the time we reached the end of the syllabus my mind was reeling with questions and I found myself scribbling ideas down on it. I left class feeling like, "I can't wait to get started!" Since I think I may have been one of the only people feeling excited about doing research, I've decided that this must officially make me a nerd.
In other news, I was able to somewhat catch up with a dear old friend this week. She is one of those people who I could go years without talking to and we can visit like we never missed a beat. While I was going through a rough period in my life many years ago, she was there for me. In fact, without her, I would never be where I am today. She is a strong, beautiful, dynamic woman who is making a difference for her students, (she is a teacher) and I am proud to call her my friend. She asked for donations for some of her kids, grades 2-5, and I responded as I have so many clothes Lars has outgrown and want to donate themm. So they are going to Green Bay! (And even though she's a Packer's fan, I forgive her ;~) So here is a big thank you and a hug to my friend, Becky Blaul-Sliva!
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