Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Finding Ambition

Christmas break has been nothing less than insane!  However, now that it's over I feel that I really need to get back into a routine.  My ambition to do anything in my house has been severely lacking, and it makes me feel horrible because now I am lacking ambition and have a messy house.  Ugh...  So, I am wondering why I am missing so much ambition; what is it that makes me feel like this?  Unhealthy eating, lack of self-care, overtired from an overcrowded schedule, everyone else's ability to not care, a missing cleaning fairy... I'm not sure.  The combination of everything probably.  So then there is the "how do I fix it" question.  If I am not sure exactly why I have a severe lack of "cleaning ambition", how do I get it back? 

Well, one step at a time I guess.  Things don't fix themselves which means that I need to take some initiative in making the difference.  Which brings me back to my 2011 list.  Eating healthier, exercise, limiting computer time, and listening to music I think are where the answers lie.   So, step 1: Start a chore chart for myself.   Step 2: Clean kitchen and take down Christmas decor.  Step 3: Catch up on laundry (folded and put away)  Step 4: Reward myself for completion on my chart.  Whether it be playing guitar for 1/2 hour (also on my list), buying myself a piece of jewelry or something small, or relaxing with no purpose (off the computer of course).   

Now, what to make for breakfast that's healthy...  maybe I should make grocery shopping step 2... :~)


  1. I lack motivation too. Your list looks so easy to would think a person would just get it done, and yet.

    I think our project for tonight is to take down the Christmas tree. Of course we can't do that until James is in bed (or he'd be COVERED in needles).

  2. My list looks easy because I wanted to make it something obtainable. If I overdid it, then it would just set me back. However, once I have this done, which I am working on now, I will feel so much better, which will put me in the direction of the much bigger list! :~)

  3. I believe I need some more too, sence I have been overwhelmed with school, I seem more tired, crabby, and lazy. Ugh I feel just anxious. I hope you'd find the ambition you need and share some with your worn out little sister. Btw, how do u do it all?!

  4. REmember girls that it is early January. There are very few sunshine hours during the day, and since it's cold, most of your time is spent indoors. Causes a dip in Vitamin D which can cause fatigue, anxiety, etc. Plus, it's more fun to relax on the couch than it is to do housework. JK Bravo on your to do lists! I'm proud of you.

  5. From what I have read and heard in our pop culture, achieving projects means breaking them into small, achievable tasks...and seeing/getting a reward. (sometimes the reward is just accomplishing the task, and sometimes it is sitting, looking out a window and sipping a cup of tea in the beautiful cup your grandma gave you).
