Friday, January 21, 2011


Today I am off to meet someone new who will be an important future network for me, and also someone I will be collaborating with over the next few months.  I have heard wonderful things about the woman and am very much looking forward to meeting her in person.  Yet, my anxiety about "what should I wear", "do I look professional", "what if I say something dumb", "what if this is a flop" etc. start running through my head.  I hate self doubt... 
I took 5 minutes this morning to do some self-motivation and reassurance, I made a plan for the day, and after I got done telling my husband that I was right about something and he was wrong, I felt much better.  :~)   However, I keep thinking about how much emphasis we as a society put on impressions.  Clothes, hair, shoes, makeup, jewelry, proper outerwear, etc.  This is part of what defines a first impression, and it is somewhat irritating to me.  The amount of money that goes into these things is ridiculous, and the more money usually the nicer a person can look which is difficult for those without money.  Anyway, now that I am done rambling about the injustices of first impressions I better get my butt in gear so I can go make one.  Because as much as I may think it's an injustice, I still play the game and try as much as possible to fill the requirements of a successfull first impression.  Does this make me a hippocrit?  Something to think about I guess...


  1. You know what I think about first impressions. They are important, even though you might like to wear sweats and tennies to your meeting, it is a show of repect for other people if you put your "best foot forward", get my drift? (polish those shoes!) LOL

  2. By the way, you made an excellent impression, I am told!
